Our Work

Our Vision
To Promote a World Where Everyone Has a Framework of Belonging
Our Outcomes
We Bring a Change of Mindset that
Creates Wonders
When we elevate the sense of community within organizations and groups, we see remarkable results:
Improved success achieving goals and visions
Sustained engagement and motivation for working together towards shared goals.
Increased individual sense of meaning, commitment, and belonging
Enhanced community resilience and retention of members.
Our Approach
Raising a Sense of Community and Cultivating a Culture of belonging
We believe that by nurturing a strong sense of community and fostering a culture of belonging, we unlock the potential within each group, strengthen bonds among members, and transform individuals into partners. Above all, the ability to act together helps groups achieve their goals and overcome challenges.
Researched and developed by Varda Institutes co-founder and CEO Dr. Sara Shadmi Wortman, the approach draws on over two decades of experience worldwide. Cultivating community requires intention, purposeful, and strategic actions in order to achieve a lasting impact. Here are our core guiding principles:
From Needs to Strengths
Shifting focus from “what we lack” to “what we have”
From Consumers to Partners
Transforming from service recipient to active contributor.
From Human Capital to Social Capital
Strengthening relationships and connections which enables members and partners to contribute more openly.
Fostering Both Relationships & Mission
Motivating people to join for the mission (“the what”) and stay for and with the people (“the with”).
What We Offer
Our Support Tailored to Your Needs
and Challenges
Whether you’re looking to ignite a small change or a big transformation, we will help you “make together matter” and meet your challenges and goals.

In-Depth Processes
Tailored to your organization’s unique challenges, we teach community-building principles, practical training on how to engage other community members, increase the sense of belonging and how to build internal capabilities for a lasting positive impact.

Dive into the basics of Community Building. These one-time sessions offer a hands-on approach around a key issue.

Get an engaging introduction to the Community-Building approach tailored for your specific community

Personalized Consultation
Guidance, coaching, and mentorship for individuals holding key positions in driving the Community Building process, helping them face and address challenges effectively.